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Saturday, August 18, 2007

For he IS the Frumious Bandersnatch!

The end of Harry Potter left me looking for something else to read, and to ease my withdrawal pangs I needed a new series I could love just as much as the Hogwarts chronicles. None of the new stuff on the shelves at Barnes and Noble was turning my crank, and I desperately needed a book to take on vacation. So, on a whim, I picked out the 40th Anniversary edition of Frank Herbert’s Dune.

I’d always thought that I’d read the novel Dune prior to this year, but I don’t know when or where, and I certainly couldn’t have told you anything about it. The only scene I could recall prior to rereading it this summer was when the Duke dumped a glass of water on the ground and made everyone else follow suit. A few of the moments in the book had a familiar ring to them, but, for all intents and purposes, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I was reading this masterpiece for what seemed like the very first time.

Which is not to say the book is easy to read. Like Harry Potter, Dune creates a fully realized fictional universe, which, in detail and scope, is far more expansive than Rowling’s wizarding world. The fundamental difference is that Rowling goes out of her way to make her world accessible to the average Muggle, while Herbert does exactly the opposite. His book is loaded with jargon that requires constant reference to the glossary in the back. I kept asking thing like “What’s a ‘gom jabbar’? What does he mean he’s a ‘mentat?’ And what the Sam Hill is a ‘Kwisatz Haderach?’” Reading the first few pages was extremely tedious, and it made me wonder if I had actually read the book before or if I had just given up when I realized I neither knew nor cared about Kwisatz Haberdashers.

Jargon, in my mind, is, at best, an elitist storytelling device. It’s designed to be exclusive, and it usually indicates a condescension on the part of the author, i.e. if you were only as smart as the guy writing the story, you’d know what was going on. At worst, it’s just plain silly, as in the case with Battlestar Galactica, when people use words like “centons” and “yahrens” to describe seconds and years. We’re suspending disbelief long enough to pretend these offworlders are speaking English, so why clutter the language with incomprehensible nonsense? Centons and yahrens are typical of what James Blish used to call “shmerps.” He pointed out that some writers will describe a fluffy, hopping animal with long floppy ears, soft white fur, and a cotton ball tail as a “shmerp” instead of a rabbit, just to make it sound more alien. To me, a rabbit by any other name is a pretty stupid idea.

There are a fair number of shmerps in Dune, but they’re fully developed, well-thought-out shmerps. Herbert has created a world much in the same way Tolkien has – it’s clear the world came first, and the story is almost an afterthought. I don’t think Herbert was being silly or elitist in his use of jargon. I think the Dune universe existed so clearly in his mind that by the time he started crafting this story, he had almost forgotten how little the rest of the world knew about sietches and such. I’ve never seen a more intricate tale of science and religion, woven together seamlessly like this. Once you get acclimated to the bizarre language and enter Herbert’s Dune, the book becomes a very rewarding experience.

Upon completion of the novel, I had a strong desire to see the movie that everyone seems to loathe. I steered clear of it back in ’84 during the summer of Gremlins and Ghostbusters, and the impression my friends gave me was that I wasn’t missing much. After reading the novel, I understood very clearly why the movie was reviled, even without having seen it. I came away from the book with the impression that this story was entirely unadaptable to the screen. So much depends on what’s going on in everyone’s head, particularly Paul’s, that I can’t imagine how you could put it on the screen at all.

Which is why David Lynch’s Dune movie is so singularly remarkable.

I say that without irony. I loved it. It’s an amazing achievement, and I will likely watch it several more times. But that’s not to say it’s a good movie. It isn’t. But it’s not really a movie, per se. It’s like an illustrated storybook, with moving pictures accompanying the written text.

Characters stand still as chunks of the novel are voiced over to explain their thoughts. The entire movie is nothing but exposition, and I can’t imagine anyone who hasn’t read the book being anything but baffled unless they stopped the show every few frames to consult the glossary in the back of the book. Still, it’s faithful to the novel to a fault, which shows that Lynch had tremendous respect for his source material. As one who has just completed the book, it's fun to see Lynch's cinematic illustrations.

From a design standpoint, the film is almost note perfect, from the sumptuous emperor’s chambers to the House of Atreides to the rugged stillsuits of the Fremen. (“The House A-who-ides? Stillsuits? Fremen?” Read the book.) True, they made the Baron Harkonnen a bit too foul for my taste, what with the pustules and the spittle and the heart plugs and all. And what's with the bug drinking and the cat milking? Geesh. And, yes, the effects are spotty in places, and the mounting of the worm is ridiculous, particularly with the Toto guitar power chord we get at the top. But the miniature work is strikingly effective, even today. I’m glad this movie was made pre-CGI. It’s extraordinarily inventive, and, visually, it holds up pretty well.

The cast is outstanding, and it was delightful to see a pre-Picard Patrick Stewart in a heroic role. The only thing I'd ever seen Brad Dourif in before Dune was Lord of the Rings, and I'm curious now to see if he performs every role with his right hand at his face and his left hand holding his right elbow, like some demonic Jack Benny. The sore-thumb exception to the great cast rule is Sting, who stinks. He’s a high-school actor in a professional film, and it’s painful to watch him bug out his eyes occasionally to feign menace. I’ve occasionally wondered why his film career never really went anywhere. Now I know. Still, given the high jargon quotient this film carries, it’s amazing how much gravitas this cast is able to milk from lines like “The spice IS the worm! The worm IS the spice!” And the chick who plays Lady Jessica is hot, even when she’s bald. The creepy kid who ends the movie weirded me out, though.

In the final analysis, the real reason to love the film Dune is that Michael Bolton bangs a drum in it. I saw him and did a double take. Take a look and tell me that’s not him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we Breed Sting with Mancow. We would have the antichrist of actors...

August 18, 2007 at 8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vladimir's oily dance.
Red butterflies squirt.
Languatron bring flowers.

August 18, 2007 at 9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best line from the movie.
Paul:"What's in the box"
Rev Mother Monihan: "Pain"

August 18, 2007 at 9:04 AM  
Blogger Elder Samuel Bennett said...

Who's the haiku master? Is this all the same person? Come on, guys, leave your names!

August 18, 2007 at 9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Stallion, are you in the mood to tackle the Dune mini produced by Skiffy?

I liked it better than the film, though I can recall I quite liked it at the time (haven't seen it since). One of my college friends did go to sleep about half way through!

I must read the book again now.


August 18, 2007 at 11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Harry Potter books should be banned. This will happen sooner or later, count on it. Until that time, you are requested to forget everything you've read in them. Read Dune all you want, read it until the cows come home, it won't make a difference, not really, not in the things that count.

Also recommended: Water for Elephants

August 18, 2007 at 11:49 AM  
Blogger Heather O. said...

I love Dune. I think the movie stinks. Sorry. The mini-series on Sci-Fi is actually really good, and very faithful to the books. They even have the Fremen have creepy blue eyes, because of the spice addiction. Very cool.

August 18, 2007 at 2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked the first Skiffy movie. Hated the second. THey replaced most of the cast with new actors. I spent half the movie trying to figure what happened to Stilgar.

August 18, 2007 at 4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is by will alone that I set my bowels in motion...

August 18, 2007 at 7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you watch the theatrical version, or the 3.5 hour Alan Smithee version?

If you're looking for a new series to read, might I suggest Michael Moorcock's Elric of Menibone series. Awesome stuff.

There. I left my name. Are you happy?

August 20, 2007 at 12:09 PM  
Blogger foodleking said...

I believe you did see the movie Dune in your wistful youth, pausing it (on VCR) every few minutes to discuss what the snot was going on. Unless it was JAH and not JMB and I am mis-remembering it.

October 9, 2007 at 6:02 AM  
Blogger Elder Samuel Bennett said...

Foodleking, I'm thinking it was JAH. Because I remember you were probably the only person I knew who actually liked the movie, but you had to stop and start it to do it.

Then again, maybe I did watch it with you, although I doubt it. But remember, I was the one who was right about the Robert Cray lyrics!

October 9, 2007 at 9:14 AM  

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