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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Not Ready to Make Nice

I finally put my finger on what was bugging me about the inauguration when I read this article, which perfectly summarizes my feelings about today’s political landscape.

If you’re too lazy to read the article, let me summarize. The guy is commenting on the following video, which I provide here for your educational purposes only. You don’t have to watch it if you don’t want to. In fact, I wouldn't recommend it. I haven’t been able to sit through the whole thing.

The article’s point, and my point, is where was any of this kind of togetherness and love and unity at either Bush inauguration? In 2000, Ricky Martin agreed to sing at an inaugural party and was excoriated by Hollywood for recognizing Bush as a legitimate president. (“He will never be my president,” said Julia Roberts at the time, speaking for legions of Hollywood imbeciles.) You can chalk a lot of that up to the wounds of the Florida recount, I suppose, but I don’t recall any coming together in 2004, either. Bush won the second term of his presidency by a solid, unassailable majority vote, leading Keith Olbermann to lead the charge that he’d stolen the election in Ohio.

Bush, from the outset, was presumed to be a thief, a liar, and a thug, despite the fact that he has been perhaps the most gracious president to his political opposition that our nation has ever seen.

Case in point: Anyone else remember how Bush was dumping arsenic in our water?

He wasn’t, of course, but on his way out, a churlish Bill Clinton issued an executive order lowering the threshold of arsenic in the water supply from ten parts per billion to five parts per billion. The ten-parts standard had been in place for sixty years, including through all eight years of Clinton. It was entirely safe - nobody in the country was dying of arsenic poisoning by drinking tap water. Yet when Bush balked at implementing the new rule due to the massive expense, much of which would be shouldered by small, rural localities, everyone went nuts.

Suddenly, Bush was “poisoning the water supply.”

The Democrats ran ads with little girls holding a glass up to a camera and asking “”May I have more arsenic in my water, Mommy?” Celebrities used the arsenic nonsense to besmirch a president who was too damned decent to fight back. Bush too often was more interested in being accommodating than right, so he relented and applied the standard at considerable cost. It earned him nothing. They hated him then, and they still hate him today.

Bush was constantly apologizing for things he did right, and still he got slapped down and ridiculed by the Legion of Cool People. Remember those famous “sixteen words” in his State of the Union Address that had everyone apoplectic? Here they are again: “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” 

There is nothing in that statement that isn’t 100% accurate. But when pathological liar Joe Wilson wrote an op-ed in the New York Times that sort of contradicted this – I say “sort of,” because all Wilson could say was that HE didn’t find any prospective uranium sale in Niger, not that the British Government didn’t, which is what Bush had said in the first place – suddenly Bush was branded a liar who misled us into war, then and forever. This is where “Bush lied; kids died” was born, which the Hollywood crowd still chants in their sleep. 

And how did George Bush fight back? He friggin’ apologized.

This became a pattern throughout the Bush presidency. When Bush fired eight U.S. attorneys, it was a huge scandal, despite the fact that U.S. attorneys are political appointments and can be fired for the color of their hair if the president feels like it. Clinton fired ALL OF THEM practically on his first day, and there was nary a peep. But what did Bush do? Apologized again, and then threw his Attorney General to the wolves. And it did nothing to placate his critics, who were already branding him a war criminal.

So here we are in 2009, and now we have all the same Cool People who kicked Bush when he was up and kicked him when he was down and always refused to acknowledge any decency in their political opponents, now they’re badgering people like me to “come together” in “unity” and “give this president a chance.” Watching the news reports, you’d think Barack Obama was elected by unanimous acclaim, not by just 2% more of the popular vote than Bush got in 2004.

Well, guess what. This country has big problems, and if Barack Obama can solve them, then I’ll support him with everything I’ve got. He is my president, and, what’s more, he seems like a decent man. I’m going to give him the chance that none of these same people were willing to give to Bush. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to play kissy face with everyone who called Bush and his supporters – including me – hatemongers and war criminals and bigots and everything else. They are the agents of divisiveness. They have ripped this country apart over and over again, despite Bush’s wasted attempts at courtesy and mutual respect. Now, when they have all the marbles, they want us to make nice. Well, to quote the reprehensible Dixie Chicks, I’m not ready to make nice. I’m not sure if I ever will be.

I conclude with the last two paragraphs of the article that spurred this diatribe, which sum up my feelings better than anything else could:

Remember this video: It is an instructive relic of the era of celebrity decadence and boutique anti-Republican activism under President Bush. It is a sickening display that they want fast and easy absolution for having comported themselves like ill-behaved children for eight difficult and war-torn years.

Good luck, President Obama. The rest of you can go to hell.


Blogger WhiteEyebrows said...

"To be a servant to our President"


Uhh... I serve God, My Country, and my fellow men. I don't serve the first american dictator.

January 21, 2009 at 9:48 AM  
Blogger foodleking said...

Eight years of bare knuckles brawling and long knives constantly carving up a decent man who never (publicly, at least) seemed to take it personally. And it wasn't enough to gracefully let him leave office and return home, they have a pathological need to taunt and jeer him upon his exit, something I have never seen done before.

I don't know whether President Obama is a decent man or not, but I do know he has very indecent stances on some issues. I hope he sticks to his idealogical principles, and four years from now, we can debate whether or not they were effective. But I will not hurl insulting invectives at him.

January 21, 2009 at 10:17 AM  
Blogger Ethan said...

In continuing with WhiteEyebrows, yeah, seriously. I thought politicians were referred to as "public servants." I thought he was supposed to served us.

January 21, 2009 at 11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was the most nauseating video I've seen in a long time. "I pledge to turn off the lights, because I used to leave them on?" What the heck was that? These people are the most hypocritical bunch I've ever seen!

I have to stop typing. I'm getting angrier by the second the more I think of this! All I will say is this -- the divisiveness and polarization that exists in this country is the fault of people like this -- people who look at politics as a game that is to be won rather than as a vehicle to better our country. The people who won the most recent political debate by electing Obama now call on all Americans to unite behind the winner. They, however, refused to do the same when circumstances were different. They could have "pledged" to do these things eight years ago, but chose not to because they were too busy pouting and then plotting how to win the game by mocking George W. Bush at every turn. These people make me sick.

January 21, 2009 at 2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm aware of that video. I saw it posted elsewhere with a freez frame of the ditzy blond Cameron diaz, so I saw no value in viewing it.

It gives me the willies that grown adults would choose to look to the nation's entertainers for political guidance.

January 21, 2009 at 3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that much of Obama mania is silly and somewhat creepy. That said, I do think that Obama is a reasonable and decent sort. This is not something that I could say about John McCain. Furthermore, given the shambles it has made of itself and of public policy, the GOP deserved to lose. A bit of time in the wilderness will be good for its soul.

January 21, 2009 at 6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yer all a bunch of retards. that's the best i can muster. have a nice time on the Isle of Delusion together. Population shrinking all the time.

January 22, 2009 at 3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Isle of Delusion

Otherwise known as Hollywood.

January 22, 2009 at 4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, it is obvious that here is a lot of hurt in America. My issues is that the division everyone so clearly accepts it is always the other parties obligation to bridge that gap.

Bridging gaps is not done through piblicly extending an invite and rhetoric. It is done by daily habits of work, listening and compromise.

Stallion, this epistle seems almost as biiter as some of thing you can recognise in others.

No-one has the right to decide who you chose to forgive. You can either forgive actively or life will keep beating you about the head to get you to do the forgiving and even the collaborating that America needs.

Be bigger than the opposition.

Abbott of Arbroath

January 23, 2009 at 2:38 AM  
Blogger James A. Howard said...

Stallion, I give you a quote about the "far left" that you, no doubt, have read but others have not. Following is an excerpt from Orson Scott Cards column in the Rhino Times:

How long do you suppose it will be after Bush leaves office before the left actually has a rational thought again?

Future historians will read these documents and talk about the "mania" of Bush-bashing, regarding it as a strange phenomenon. They will assess Bush as being somewhere between an ordinary and an excellent president, and they will marvel that the American intelligentsia was so uniform in their irrational condemnation of things they approved of when done by Democrats. They will call this an era of irrational partisanship, with the most irrational utterances coming from the left.

Meanwhile, I can't wait till most of our smart and talented writers start thinking again.

January 23, 2009 at 10:34 AM  
Blogger John Larocque said...

Hey Stallion, looks like some people ARE prepared to play nice. Here is the NRO Senator McBeavis and a WashPo piece.

"A joke made its way around the Capitol yesterday: How do you know the 2008 election is really over? Because John McCain is causing trouble for Republicans again."

January 23, 2009 at 12:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I wonder how Keith Olbermann is going to spend his time on "Countdown" now that President Bush is no longer in office.

Do you know that "Countdown" is presented as news on At least on the BBC they post articles critical of PM Brown.

I find it interesting that at the same time that Americans are calling for President Bush's head, the Conservatives in the UK continue to gain against Brown's Labour (the Telegraph reported that Brown's social policies were bankrupting the country, so much for the vaunted National Health Service) and the Conservatives in Canada, albeit having to deal with the NDP/Liberal coalition attempt, were leading in the last polls I saw. And then, of course, you have other European leaders that are from their respective conservative parties.

So, while we elect a Democrat to solve this crisis, the rest of the world is turning to the conservatives. What's wrong with this country?

January 25, 2009 at 1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Synovec - but dont look to Europe and say we are moving right. Our conservative governments are FAR more leftwing than even your Democrats. Interestingly, some of the most favourable liberal(in an economic sense) have been introduced by socialist parties of Europe (Sweden,Poland, Spain, UK)and not by the right.

As for degrading the National Health Service - please dont believe the news of its immenent collapse even if this suits your worldview. The UK has had an 80% increase in spending on health and 100% increase on Educational spendingn in real terms since 1997. While the government is "market friendly" the aims of financial growth is to ensure the welfare state remains effective.

A. of Arbroath

January 26, 2009 at 2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what is bankrupting the country is not the NHS but the failure to regulate banking and finance as well as reckless American securities models exported.

January 26, 2009 at 2:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have buyer's remorse yet?

February 6, 2009 at 9:41 AM  

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